Frazers Edge


This is some blog description about this site

another foster fail

Adopted Lamp LOGO 

and gimme all the scarves, too!

Mafia Card Trick LOGO 

and there were dozens of accomplices

Dominos Cop Blue LOGO 

and remember to put down "no huffing, no puffing"

3 Pigs AirBNB LOGO 

the ventilator really brings out the gray in his eyes

Wrong Question Lady LOGO 

sounds like a fun evening

Knock Knock Literature LOGO 

only 999,000 more to a million!

1000 LOGO 

only covered for perpendicular claims

Parallel Universe GOOD LOGO 

all lamb has been vaccinated

Covid Safe Restaurants LOGO 

shitty questions

Dog Park Game Show LOGO 

here's an offer you can't refuse... and it's adorable!

Influencers LOGO 

now off to applebee's for blood pressure

Temperature Restaurants LOGO 

he's also learning microsoft office

Caveman jobs LOGO 

jarring news!

Jar FINAL copy 

assuming they don't have a nut allergy

Squirrel Pyramid LOGO 

slow and steady gets the thief

Snailman LOGO 

the pilsner gets a commission

Beer Unlocked FINAL LOGO 

welcome to applebee's!

Vultures Food Pyramid LOGO 

i'll waive the vig if you guess your cholesterol

Temperature Gambler LOGO 

what'd he do that for?

Preposition Guy LOGO 

or we'll need to LXXXVI him

Ancient Roman Hospitals LOGO 

the deposit is in es-crow

Bird Real Estate LOGO 

14.83% of people will hate this cartoon

Polling LOGO 

the hydroxychloroquine bones saved my pug's life

Dogs Contact Tracing LOGO 

two guys with puppies

Gentle Giant LOGOtiny