Frazers Edge


This is some blog description about this site

shitty earrings

Dog Earrings LOGO 

cockblocked by the stairs

Missed Connections LOGO 

but we also get into magic shows for free!

Rabbits Hearing LOGO 

from herman cain's chapstick?

Covid Games Show Final LOGO 

the tuba fills itself with hydrochloric acid

Guitar Practical Jokes DONE LOGO 

sleight of hands

Octopus Magicians LOGO 

when people solve their own issues...

My Way or Highway LOGO 

like night and day!

Before and After Signs LOGO 

"ask your older clumsy sister's splattered head"

Take Your Daughter Tightrope LOGO 

morons or ahead of the curve?

Dic Pics LOGO 

the first influencer

Hashtag Hot LOGO 

he's still on the fence about sprinkles

Cones Steaks LOGO 

keynote speaker at mensa

Carburetors Mints LOGO 

the siskel and ebert of shepherds

Bomb Sniffing LOGO 

the fourth worst is you both wear watches

Pogo Stick Marriage LOGO 

writing a thank you note is out of the question

Snake Gifts GOOD LOGO 

too many of us are idiots

Corona Knights LOGO 

i've been wondering about that nickel since 1989

Currency. Where are they now LOGO 

in case you were wondering... which you probably were

Where are they Now INSECTS LOGO 

maybe he should have said "pre-owned"?

Used Masks LOGO 

"there's a pandemic! i want my own can!" -- an anchovy

Sardines Corona LOGO 

the english major who should've gone to law school

No Pets LOGO 

we'll also need a vaccine for gingivitis

Teeth Corona LOGO 

pure insanity! she even gave birth to kittens!

Dog Cat LOGO 

time to buy a tapestry

3 Clock Man LOGO